Monday, October 29, 2007

I've got all these snacks..

People here are serious, super duper serious about Halloween. Crazy parties, crazy costumes. I adore it all.

Something I've noticed about dudes here- they all have cards- they all give me their cards (usually when I'm in some sort of fast food establishment) and then ask me on a date. Where I am then forced to say "UM>NO."

Here's a real talk dialogue that happened the other night on my way to Michael Donnell's:

"Ay girl, you gunna listen to yer iPod?"


"I was wantin to make friends with you. Here's my card. I'm a DJ. They call me WickedWAYNE."

"Oh, okay."

"I've got my cellphone, let's put your number in it, so I can call you for a date."

"No thanks. I have a boyfriend anyway (which is a lie)".

"Oh really, does he make you feel good?"

This is when my jaw dropped and I just said:

"P-p-pardon? I've got to go."

Basically what I'm sayin' is- I can't keep the dudes off of me, for real.

I'm still working crazy long hours. I get off, I go to open bars, I get home at 5am, and I do it all over again. I've met some really amazing people, and I don't know how I got so lucky.

TEN PEOPLE ARE VISITING ME WITHIN THE NEXT MONTH!! Two from Berlin arrive this Friday. Two from Portland, the following Friday, a friend from Paris, then another two from Portland, and then a handful of random acquaintances. I'm so pumped. HAMMER!!

We basically shut down all of Williamsburg. Asbestos was everywhere!

Trash Bar couldn't handle it either.

Some of the best guys around.


Make party.

neck face is ugly.

my favorite costume so far.

for ashley mcallister. <3

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Let's get some REAL TALK up in hurr.

The world is my oyster. I walk around with a bottle of sriracha in my purse. I'm working 12 hour days at the SoHo store- we made 22G's last Saturday.

We found the gnarliest, most lovely flat on the the northeast side of prospect park. It use to be a Jewish Hospital. It's a lot prettier and safer than anything I had even hoped for.

Two of my hommies from Berlin; Graziano AND Martin, will be flying into NYC on November 2nd. I'm so pumped right now.

More life to live; More love to give!

Who would've thought?:

E28th and Lexi a.k.a in front of my apt:

Bathroom stall @ studioB:


Sunday, October 14, 2007

Hangin' Hrd and ADULT PROM!

This is what I found whilst hanging in the lower eastside on friday night:

His name was Amadeus... okay, I only wish that it was.

At some point later that night, I ran into someone that had an eerily strong resemblance to Ian Sommerhalder, circa, rules of attraction. so, i then stammered out "I want to harvest your corn fields", what? I still don't understand what I meant.

Last night was ADULT PROM, it was held in this warehouse in Bushwick. The theme was "Enchantment Under The Sea", I was surprised that everyone was all over it, and the decorations were impeccable! Twas lots of fun. Enough talk-

The decorations were more Homecoming, rather than Prom- but still very good.

This is Bob, he was the introduction to the party. Please note the open fly:

I might make a dollar:

Don't worry, i only wore those shoes in transit.

Too strong, Too old:

It was a real Prom; pretty girls crying and everything:

My favorite Lesbro (Matt B.) and Mal:

I honestly felt 17 watching her do this:

All gone:

If you're wondering what crazy, haute couture designer i am flossin', it's actually M'Lori Couture. Meaning Mal made the dresses; Thank you very much! She's amazing.

We arrived home at 5am. and we did what a lot of drunk teens do after a night of unseasoned drinking...Mal spent approximately $15.00 on Mickey Dee's. I woke up this morning..afternoon.. and I felt/feel thoroughly grossed out with myself, and Mal. I was made to understand That I would be receiving Popeye's by the end of the night. However, this person could not follow through with his promise, so we opted for this shit:



Thanks for coming to Prom. You can stop crying now.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Eyes So Swreepy!

I've become such an old lady. I feel like I'm still running on Berlin time. It's not even midnight, I can barely keep my eyes open. I found out today that I'm going to be working at the SoHo store, which, I'm alright with. Don't get me wrong, it's in an amazing part of town..but i just want to be on Berry and 7th! I want to watch the daily "Hipster Olympics".

Apparently, we're going to be living at the "McKibbin Lofts", eh? I don't care anymore, just give me a room, somewhere safe.

Things are starting to fall together, which I'm really grateful for. I was having a pretty hard time; then again, I've only been here a week. A WEEK. Jesus.

I made a lovely dinner tonight: Pork chops stuffed with cranberry and almond stuffing, mashed garlic red potatoes, and a vegetable medley featuring pearl onions, cherry tomatoes, green beans, mushrooms, carrots, red peppers, etc. You can see for yourself.

I seriously love eating.

So far, my book- Still Life With Woodpecker, has been quite nifty. I love Tommy, I want to bake him pumpkin spice cupcakes.. a lot of them. I had a dream last night that basically played out the first 45 pages of the story. It was totally heaftish (sp?)

I miss being in Europe. I want to go to a flea market and drool all over the delectable Aryan speciMENS. germany had some fine ass white dudes. MMHMM.

Also, I've decided that my next boyfriend is going to be black. It's just about that time in my life, you know? I kind of want him to talk like Flava Flav. And be all hella hyphy and shit..Oh, a girl can only dream.

Here are some more random pictures. I'm gonna fall asleep on the bed, in front of mallory, and feel very satisfied because she's been working on homework since 11am this morning, and she still has approximately four more hours to go! it's 1:10 am!

something inside of me wouldnt let me bring this dress home:

Dre and I kickin it like Tae Bo:

Bianca Cassady at Deitch Projects:

My Front Door, Spooky:

Where the magic happens..?:

Mallory has been doing hw for almost 13 hours in our room:

With that said- I really don't miss homework, tests, projects, due dates. Thank god for being a lazy bum!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Nutter Butters.

I swear to God; I am or I'm not. I'm not exactly sure anymore! My life has been this crazy high for almost two months straight. I sold everything, and moved. I was so sick of Portland. I don't want to move back-- I really don't, but I'm missing those familiar faces, places and things. I got back from Berlin last Thursday, so, I've been in New York a week, tomorrow.

Berlin left me breathless. I fell deliriously in love with that city. It's so lovely, clean and inexpensive. I have no complaints. You have two buttons to push when you use the toilet! You can eat mayo with your french fries and not be considered fat and disgusting! So many adorable vintage shops and boutiques. I really, thoroughly enjoyed it.

Prenzlauerberg broke my heart. It's the neighborhood of my dreams.

I never knew that I could miss a place more than Portland. I just haven't had my fill yet. However, I did miss american breakfast, so much. I spent about $20 on an omelet when I got back to NY. Proof:

I didn't really do anything touristy while I was there, I shopped a lot, drank a lot of good beer and had curry wurst. and so so so much fallafel!

I actually had the opportunity to work with brendan on this art installation that he'd been working on for about a month prior. I actually got there the last week before the opening, so he was spending like 15 hour days working- it was kind of Agathe to hire me on for the last four days. i think she felt bad that brendan was working so much and i was kind of left to fend for myself.

The name of the show was "I Don't Know But I've Been Told, Eskimo Pussy is Mighty Cold".
It was a really great experience. I met some very lovely people, and I made hella bank. Oh! I got asked to have my picture taken for some fashion blogs, PLAYLUST
is the only one I got a link for.

UHHH. Actually, I had my picture taken for another fashion blog here (I really don't know why) and afterwards when I started to walk away, some gross dudes started to holla at me- I kept walking and I heard them yell "Biiiiiiitch! YOU AIN'T ALL THAT!"... so good, right?

It's funny, I'm in New York and still in the same scene. My friend Dre is this huge socialite and is constantly throwing me out into the "social scene", to meet people, make connections, blah blah blah. It's interesting.

I bought two books yesterday: The Road, by Cormac McCarthy and Still Life With Woodpecker, by Good ol' Tom Robbins.
I forgot how much I love reading, watching "films", and cooking. COOKING! It feels nice to start settling down again.

I'm just now starting to feel the validity and grandeur of my actions. I'm oscillating between hysterical excitement, anxiety, loneliness and contentment. But, our flat is pretty:

I had this crazy dream the other night; There was this enormous hand, and it plunged a sewing needle the size of a baseball bat through my chest, out my back, the thread pulled through my body and stopped at the knotted end. I was then suspended from the ceiling and left hanging in mid-air with no ground beneath my feet. That dream left me feeling like shit all day yesterday. I couldn't collect myself at all.

Anyway, Berlin was great, Prague was lovely, but still kinda sketchy.
Here are the links to the photo albums: Prague & Berlin the guestpassword is: dudeno

Now, I will leave you with pictures of some of the most ridiculous shit I've seen in a while. Mind you, I'd only been in New York for two days when I found these gems:

east village; blkr/brdwy:

art opening at deitch projects:

le crowning glory: