Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Nutter Butters.

I swear to God; I am or I'm not. I'm not exactly sure anymore! My life has been this crazy high for almost two months straight. I sold everything, and moved. I was so sick of Portland. I don't want to move back-- I really don't, but I'm missing those familiar faces, places and things. I got back from Berlin last Thursday, so, I've been in New York a week, tomorrow.

Berlin left me breathless. I fell deliriously in love with that city. It's so lovely, clean and inexpensive. I have no complaints. You have two buttons to push when you use the toilet! You can eat mayo with your french fries and not be considered fat and disgusting! So many adorable vintage shops and boutiques. I really, thoroughly enjoyed it.

Prenzlauerberg broke my heart. It's the neighborhood of my dreams.

I never knew that I could miss a place more than Portland. I just haven't had my fill yet. However, I did miss american breakfast, so much. I spent about $20 on an omelet when I got back to NY. Proof:

I didn't really do anything touristy while I was there, I shopped a lot, drank a lot of good beer and had curry wurst. and so so so much fallafel!

I actually had the opportunity to work with brendan on this art installation that he'd been working on for about a month prior. I actually got there the last week before the opening, so he was spending like 15 hour days working- it was kind of Agathe to hire me on for the last four days. i think she felt bad that brendan was working so much and i was kind of left to fend for myself.

The name of the show was "I Don't Know But I've Been Told, Eskimo Pussy is Mighty Cold".
It was a really great experience. I met some very lovely people, and I made hella bank. Oh! I got asked to have my picture taken for some fashion blogs, PLAYLUST
is the only one I got a link for.

UHHH. Actually, I had my picture taken for another fashion blog here (I really don't know why) and afterwards when I started to walk away, some gross dudes started to holla at me- I kept walking and I heard them yell "Biiiiiiitch! YOU AIN'T ALL THAT!"... so good, right?

It's funny, I'm in New York and still in the same scene. My friend Dre is this huge socialite and is constantly throwing me out into the "social scene", to meet people, make connections, blah blah blah. It's interesting.

I bought two books yesterday: The Road, by Cormac McCarthy and Still Life With Woodpecker, by Good ol' Tom Robbins.
I forgot how much I love reading, watching "films", and cooking. COOKING! It feels nice to start settling down again.

I'm just now starting to feel the validity and grandeur of my actions. I'm oscillating between hysterical excitement, anxiety, loneliness and contentment. But, our flat is pretty:

I had this crazy dream the other night; There was this enormous hand, and it plunged a sewing needle the size of a baseball bat through my chest, out my back, the thread pulled through my body and stopped at the knotted end. I was then suspended from the ceiling and left hanging in mid-air with no ground beneath my feet. That dream left me feeling like shit all day yesterday. I couldn't collect myself at all.

Anyway, Berlin was great, Prague was lovely, but still kinda sketchy.
Here are the links to the photo albums: Prague & Berlin the guestpassword is: dudeno

Now, I will leave you with pictures of some of the most ridiculous shit I've seen in a while. Mind you, I'd only been in New York for two days when I found these gems:

east village; blkr/brdwy:

art opening at deitch projects:

le crowning glory:


brendanj said...

Wow. That LBT is real. She's straight up bringing back the stone-wash. PS - I've decided that I need to leave Berlin. It came to me yesterday afternoon. I miss Portland too much. I'm going back after this winter, unless something drastic happens. I miss you. a lot, a lot.

Carmen! said...

here's what i've been doing since you were gone: as you know, i work for the boys and girls club, the other day a screaming girl comes running from the bathroom yelling, "THERE'S UNDERWEAR IN THE GIRLS BATHROOM!". So, being the sluth that i am i go investigate. Wedged in the sanitary napkin holder is a pair of faded floral underwear. A pack of 6 year old are jumping up and down behind me yelling, "GET IT OUT! GET IT OUT! GROOOOOODYYYY!". I grab a handful of paper towels and gingerly pry the underwear from it's spot. As i do so, two turds drop to the tiled floor.

While you have been in prague/berlin/nyc, i have been handling 6 year old feces.

Miss you and stuff.

jen said...

your prejudice towards bands upon myspace is solely responsible for our current lack of friendship, and has left me unfathomably offended, and eternally bitter.

remedy it post haste!

